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Book: Building Web Reputation Systems (or eBook)
By:Randy Farmer, Bryce Glass
Publisher:O'Reilly Media
Released:March 2010

What do Amazon’s product reviews, eBay’s feedback score system, Slashdot’s Karma System, and Xbox Live’s Achievements have in common? They’re all examples of successful reputation systems that enable consumer websites to manage and present user contributions effectively. With this book, you’ll learn how a reputation system can enhance your business, and what it takes to design and develop one of your own.

If you’re building, operating, or participating in a website or online application, Building Web Reputation Systems will help you discover why these underlying mechanisms are critical for any organization that draws on—or plans to include—user-generated content.

Building Web Reputation Systems

  • Scale your reputation system to handle an overwhelming inflow of user contributions
  • Quickly determine the quality of contributions, and why some are more useful than others
  • Become familiar with different models that help you encourage first-class contributions
  • Discover tricks of moderation, and how to stamp out the worst contributions in a quick and efficient way
  • Engage contributors and reward them in a way that gets them to return

“I like the scope of the book. It provides a lot of new material about a field that is struggling to leap from black art to science, and it provides a lot of useful anecdotal evidence to illustrate the counter-intuitive traps.”

–Douglas Crockford, Senior JavaScript Architect at Yahoo!

About the authors:

F. Randall “Randy” Farmer has been creating online community systems for more than 30 years. He helped to invent many of the basic structures for both virtual worlds and social software.

Bryce Glass is a principal interaction designer for Manta Media, Inc. Over the past 13 years, he’s worked on social and community products for some of the web’s best-known brands (Netscape, America Online and Yahoo!).

Basic understanding of application logic is recommended, along with experience in creating web content.

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